MCQS                                                            1$$  THE study of diseases is called....(PATHOLOGY )                                            2$$ THE study of development is called......(embryology )                        3$$  INTernal morpholgy is called as  (Anatomy )                                               4$$ The study of animal fossils is called (PALAEOZOOLOGY )                5$$ BRANCH deals with classification is called. (Taxonomy )..                       6$$ Major bioelment present in human body..    (Oxygen 65%)                7$$ Number  of bioelemants form 99% of  body mass  (6)                             8$$ FIRST level of biological organization...(atomic level it means life arise from non living )                  9$$ FIRST living component of life is..(cell )                                                        10$$ NON LIving component of cell that function by division of labour among them....( ORGANELLES )                            FOLLOW FOR MORE